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Terms and Conditions of Use

Last Updated on: 02.25.2024

General Provisions

This website is owned and operated by Providence Photography LLC (hereafter “Our”, “We” or “Company”). Our principal place of business is located at Grand Prairie, TX 75054.

Use this website is at Your own risk. We host this site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, We make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety of Your individual use of the website. The Terms and Conditions of Use contained on this page are subject to change at any time.

Age Requirements

You must be at least 13 years old to use Our website, and if You are outside of the United States, You must be the necessary age to utilize websites in Your country of residence. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase Our services.

Intellectual Property Notice

All text, photographs, graphics, and other materials on this site are subject to the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of Providence Photography LLC and are protected by United States Copyright Laws (USC Title 17). Website materials may not be copied for any reason, including your personal use, commercial use, or distribution, nor may these materials be modified or reposted to other sites, without the prior express written permission of the Company. We may prosecute You to the fullest extent permissible should We choose to do so, including asking for financial penalties (damages) and/or an injunction forcing You to stop using Our intellectual property immediately.

Digital Products

By purchasing any product from Providence Photography LLC on this website, you are granted one revocable, worldwide, non-exclusive license to the product(s) you have purchased. If you violate this license by giving or selling a copy of our product(s) to anyone, We reserve the right to invoice you for the licenses you have gifted to others and revoke your access to our products permanently.

Digital Products Return Policy

Digital products, which are downloadable, are not eligible for return.

Your Communications

Any communications made through Our blog, blog comments, newsletter sign-up, or other related pages, or directly to Our phones or mailing or email addresses are not held privileged or confidential and are subject to viewing and distribution by third parties. We own any and all communications displayed on Our website, servers, comments, emails, or other media as allowed by United States law and will not give credit or pay royalties for unsolicited user-generated content such as blog comments or emails. For more information on when and how We store and use Your communications or any data provided by You in those communications, please refer to Our Privacy Policy on this page.


Our website and related materials are provided for educational and informational use only. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Our website and company for any direct or indirect loss or conduct incurred as a result of Your use of Our website and any related communications, including as a result of any consequences incurred from technological failures such as a payment processor error(s) or system failure(s).


Any and all disputes or disagreements arising between Company and You out of this Terms and Conditions of Use upon which an amicable understanding cannot be reached, shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with the procedural rules of the American Arbitration Association. Company and You agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator(s). The arbitration proceeding shall take place in Grand Prairie, TX 75054, or another mutually agreed location. The cost and expenses of the arbitrators shall be shared equally by the parties. Each party shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses in presenting the dispute for arbitration.


If You require any more information or have any questions about these Terms and Conditions of Use or Our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us by email at